Friday, July 15
Trust is a bit of a fool's game. It requires you to believe that circumstances will never change. That sort of blind belief is akin to religion, another fool's game.
I remember watching Oprah one day. She is so helpful. That day I learned that YES, sometimes black men are gay, but they keep it on the "down low". They got to tell their stories in darkness and with modified voices. Oprah really stays in touch with what's important. Maybe she'll be the first black AND female President. Maybe she already is, and is just keeping it on the "down low".
Does anybody give a fuck about what I have to say, when even I don't?
I went out the other night. People are fucking ridiculous. I got to listen to a bunch of drunken numbnuts try to best each other with their stories of getting into fights. "I'm crazy, man, I fuckin' turtled that dude. I was all like YEAH, you better run... man I'm crazy!" Actually no, you're just a somewhat overweight, beer filled turd who probably spends thousands of dollars hotting up your car. Hint: The car is NEVER going to fuck you, and probably neither will a woman. Another thing: I don't know what turtled means, but it sounds pretty homoerotic.
I also think chicks who shriek "Oh my god!" and race at each other like dehydrated dogs to drink have low I.Q.'s. The hugging 'til they topple over clinches it.
Once upon a time, I might have thought I was Siouxie Sioux. I got over it.
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