If you met me, I could probably convince you that I was this quiet, steady reliable girl, the sort who goes home after a hard day's work to take care of any number of responsibilities, including some she had taken on just because she enjoys that sort of thing. I think I enjoy perpetuating this sham, because it keeps people from knowing the real me, or more importantly, it keeps me from worrying about what people think, because really, who thinks about the quiet responsible girl at all?
Then occasionally, I'll write something revealing on here, and people respond like I've led some sort of interesting, risqué, slightly bad life, and I think to myself that really, I'm missing that edge that makes anything I do worthy of dissection, I'm not the girl who just does, the one everybody sort of envies even while they breathe a sigh of relief that they don't have that life. So maybe the pretend me really isn't that pretend at all? God, I hope not.
So what the fuck holds me back? Sometimes people will tell me I'm angry, WOW you gotta love people who take satisfaction in pointing out what is sometimes so obvious that to point it out only shows how little they think.
Maybe this is what I like about blogging. You can every once in a while count on someone to point out something that makes them look stupider than you. Or in my case, angrier.
Right before I fall asleep I tend to have these lengthy mental conversations with myself, and really they would make good blog posts but I never bother to get out of bed and post them and inevitably I have forgotten by the time I get around to it.
I have no spark, I don't know where it went. Where has my fucking wang chung gone?
I just noticed, that new Lenscrafter ad sounds like a gay dance club.
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