People like to watch other people fall apart, you know this is true from Oprah to Dr. Phil (come on, he's not really helping anybody as much as he is making bored housewives feel better than the sorry examples he presents) it's proven out every day.
I suppose it's a bit romantic in a novelistic way, falling apart, being the kind of person who is so consumed by the world that it eventually rips them to shreds. I think the critics are mostly just upset that they can't feel with that kind of passion, although that kind of passion can be scary and better watched at a distance by most really.
I know, you're probably thinking passion? What the fuck, most of those people do absolutely nothing but whine and complain and drink and fret and implode, but it has to come from somewhere and just because drinking is relaxing to you, do you really think it is for everyone?
You might think I'm talking about myself here, but I'm not, it could be anyone, it could be you, but even if I were, I wouldn't tell you because that would be just one more thing to use against me. People love love LOVE to use stuff against other people, makes them feel so warm and fizzy fuzz inside you know, not that I would care because really at the end of the day it's like you are all make believe and maybe so am I. I'll let you make your suppositions on your own time, your own dime, whatever or however you want to put it, and you can't say that I had anything to do with it because my words come with one big disclaimer that basically says "you don't know", but you know THAT because I just told you.
So you get to sit and watch me critique the world like I know shit about anything, but best of all is when the critique comes back at me... funny since I'm just a two-dimensional photograph in your world.
0 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
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