I'm incredibly bored by the internet suddenly.
I wish I knew when things changed in my head but I honestly can't pinpoint a specific moment, the only thing I think is certain is that it was more years ago than I have a right to blame.
This business of writing isn't really much of a business at all for most of us. I'm truly bored senseless finally by reading about people's oh too typical University escapades, relationship questions etc. Very few people are honest, everybody seems to reveal tidbits about themselves according to some coolness factor that I haven't been clued in on but good because it's a pretty fucking boring guideline in my estimation.

Fuck, how about some honesty. This might be the second time I've gone off on this sort of rant. For example, most of the time I am angry as shit. To the point where it makes my stomach hurt and my head throb. People annoy me and I mostly can't stand being around them. I have trouble maintaining friendships, particularly with women because it requires a level of emotional work that I can't be bothered with. This doesn't particularly bother me. That fact seems to bother other women.
I genuinely don't care about the advice of others when it comes in a form I consider prepackaged and regurgitated. Meaning, if your advice is something I could hear on Dr. Phil don't bother. I enjoy Psychiatry the same way I enjoy reading comics or watching Roseanne but think most people are full of shit when they try to analyze someone.
I don't like having conversations in my comments section on my blog. Lots of times I don't even read them.
So now as usual, I am bored of this rant, and probably the fact that I bore even myself is part of the reason I will never be a success especially when it comes to being El Coolio del Internet and I'm O.K. with that too because I am. If that bugs you, bleh blooh blah. I'm talking to myself here anyway if you didn't notice.

I had the best hair ever once.
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