Wednesday, July 12

I just spent a week house sitting for my parents. As a result, I got to watch a lot of tv I don't normally watch at home.

What's with the 5 million different versions of "How fucking loud and obnoxious can I be as I mouth off about absolutely nothing" MTV/Much Music channels? Where do they get the thoroughly drop kickable hosts from? Why is their monumental dill holiness rewarded with a job?

How many reality shows about bland, blond, boring ass people who live in California does there need to be? And who are the asshats who actually care to watch on a regular basis?

Seriously, someone needs to tell me why something like Laguna Beach or The Hills is interesting. Because...zzzzzzz. And don't say it's because the people are hot, I can walk out on the street RIGHT NOW and find people just as hot if not hotter.

It actually makes me angry to see our world becoming so fucking retarded.

Should I order a pizza? I'm hungry and I don't feel like cooking. I also don't have anything to cook.

update: Screw the pizza. Just finished eating fries in the bathtub.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: