Friday, October 23

German food is not very attractive, pretty much lacking in any colour but beige, doesn't do the flavour justice because this tasted SUPER good! This place was pretty rad in it's retroness, practically everybody in high school worked here at some point except me, actually this was my first time even going there, around here I think that is some kind of record, what can I say, I'm not really a participator.

Man, they give you so much food too, cabbage soup, salad, rye bread, and this platter (which doesn't look like a lot but I ate half of it before I remembered to take the picture)...fatass city, guess what I am having for lunch?

These people were super rude, actually it was mostly the blond lady on the left, she was clearly the Tony Danza of the family, condescending to the waiter too, hate people like that, get some manners.

This bottle should be in MacDonalds, haha, super funny joke eh?

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: