took pictures in the rain on Monday, rain and wind and cold but actually the weather suited the photos, I’ll put some up tonight, I know you are just dying to see my latest photo extravaganza, hey I go to a lot of effort sometimes… the lazy kicks in after the photos are taken and before they get taken off the camera, such a bad habit, what you gonna do…
I KNOW, this would be so much more interesting if it were more picture book stylies, something to offset the fact that by the time you finish reading my post you realize that I’ve really said almost nothing. Look at it as a life lesson, not everything can blow your mind, mostly it won’t, but you have to keep looking.
It is MINUS 1 right now (that’s 30° F), this is crazy, I was still waiting for summer to kick in, this isn’t even proper fall, I feel like we are moving straight into goddamned winter and I am not nor will I ever be ready.
It’s a lie that all Canadians like winter and snow and can handle cold, I can’t and don’t. Winter is when you get fat because you don’t want to do anything but sit in the house. Every year I try to get with the winter thing, and every year I am reminded that it just isn’t going to work for me.

Tried to go for a lunchtime walk yesterday, miserableness, so cold and windy I mostly just sat in my car and looked at the trees rock and roll. I know it sucks talking about the weather but come on.
Can someone offer me a job in Cali? Serious.
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