looked at houses over the weekend, I am definitely moving out of the condo, not sure of the timeline, but everything is in motion so this is going to happen, exciting.
I’m really happy with the way my life is moving, just a few pushes from me here and there and things start falling into place, will be officially Editor of the Naturalist’s club Journal as of tonight as well as on the Board of Directors, have a potentially lovely (if the weather cooperates) trail hike/cleanup coming up in a couple of weeks, plan to restart yoga class in November (I’ve missed the current session by too many classes now), and am starting to work on some new writing etc. so it’s all good! If I’ve seemed a bit glum lately (ha, what’s new) it was just personal crap, you know, your head doesn’t know which way to take you kind of thing, but I’ve made some decisions and I’m cool with whatever happens, no worries, I’ve always been self-sufficient and now that I’m older, I’m learning to enjoy just being with myself. I'm a communicator, it is very hard for me to be around secretive, non-communicative people, it really affects me negatively, so trying to change that.
There is one house in particular that I really liked; had a nice vibe when I walked in, nice old place, well cared for and interesting inside. We’ll see what happens next!
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