ugh ZERO creativity today, so no fancy ass post right now. I have to pin my bangs back as they are at that horrible length that does nothing but make you look a mess. I should probably pick up some cuter pins... plain bobby pins is lacking in effort isn't it. Still debating whether I should really be growing the bangs out anyway as I think I have a rather large face or at least it looks large without bangs to me. OK that's enough girl talk, even I don't care about this.
In a funk, sucks, I HATE when I feel like this, little works to pull me out and I basically just want to either eat crap or drink a lot, such healthy ways of dealing with things. Anyway, will fill up my time until I don't even realize my brain is reeling and that should help. Ordered a Bettie Page skin for my iphone, can't wait, god she was adorable.

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