I’m nearly crippled today due to the fact that I spent the day wandering the Pow Wow wearing these

my Michael Kors Aquarius boots which I absolutely LOVE but which are NOT designed for walking all day long in my opinion. The heels are much higher than they look in this picture. They are wonderfully and unexpectedly comfortable for a few hours and then complete torture after that.
I own exactly 2 “designer” items in my wardrobe, these boots and a Heatherette bomber jacket which I bought for the hearts and rainbows. I’m far too cheap to blow hundreds of dollars on clothes generally. Anyway, you can usually find much cooler stuff used, right?
It just occurred to me that I am lacking in personal style; I pretty much wear what i feel like on a given day and there is no real "theme" or cohesiveness to my look from day to day; sometimes it couldn't even be called a style so much as a painfully obvious I don't care mess. I suppose I could try harder but meh, I just can't be bothered most days. Who wants to spend time picking the "right" outfit, fixing their hair and face just to go buy cat litter? I mean, I really don't give a crap if anyone notices me or not at the grocery store. I'd be a good candidate for one of those makeover shows but given my age would probably end up with an "age appropriate" soccer mom or mid-level executive bob and that is definitely where I draw the line.
I suppose it's partly that I can't embrace any one particular style "lifestyle"; you know, most "looks" are tied up into some sort of overall way of being and I stopped being that way after high-school.

They were serving these Indian taco things at the Pow Wow yesterday and I regret not getting one now…I think I’ll try making them sometime. I’m starving right now and could totally go for a food porn session but there’s nobody here to talk food with, sucks.
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