Nice one you fucking lame asshole. I hope you are proud of yourself you cunty "activist", (ha, the very term activist makes me laugh since so many of them I have met are the biggest life failures and do nothings ever, cannot speak intelligently about their supposed causes because they are only repeating the basic information they have been fed and don't actually really have their own opinion, and are so self-righteous they make bible-belt Christians seem like a dream.
As for even hoping they might act with any ounce of respect whatsoever, we all know that's a fucking laugh and a half. Expecting any of these activist ass clowns to act with any consideration for anyone other than themselves is like asking the pope to turn Jewish.
It's funny isn't it? Can anyone explain this to me? Seriously... almost every so called environmentalist, animal rights, human rights, fucking fake irritating west coast "hippie" type I have ever encountered has also been HUGELY selfish. What is WITH that?
that's all.
0 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
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