wow you Greenpeace people sure are not much more than a giant pain in people’s asses aren’t you…get the fuck over yourselves would you?
Oh and here’s a suggestion to you “greenies” in Copenhagen discussing climate change (and don’t even get me started on that).
Ever heard of video conferencing? Now THERE would be a way to show that you ACTUALLY believed what you were saying and actually INTENDED to make a supposed difference, instead of FLYING in from all over the world leaving your own “carbon footprint” or whatever stupid name they’ve given it.
Seriously, if I ever see an "activist" who is REALLY doing something useful for the world other than protest by climbing around on a building or banging a fucking drum or dancing with the sun and mother earth while chewing granola seeds and pretending it's 1969 I might drop fucking dead from surprise.
0 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
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