Monday, March 21

Most Women Really Puzzle Me

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I have to say that I think women are their own worst enemy. A large number of women do one thing and then turn around and say another. Here is a prime example.

A college here in Ontario held a pub night. They made a brilliant decision to hold a "Playboy" theme night. Naturally, many of the girls dressed up full tilt bunny. Now I personally question the brains of the administration who thought a sexually suggestive pub night (which of course involves excess drinking, 19 year olds with poor judgement and girls who are nearly naked) was a stroke of genius, and so did a journalism student at the school. She asked some of the girl's if she could photograph them, disclosing that she was a reporter for the school paper. Said girls posed as seen above. The photos were printed with their faces pixelated. Here's where it gets assinine. Apparently it is now a big controversy, with the higher ups censoring the photos completely, and not allowing the photos to accompany the school's webcast news report. One of the girls in the photo said:

"It just was not appropriate," worrying about the impact the pictures would have on her reputation.

In the context of the night, at a student pub with other women competing for the title of best-dressed bunny, she said her outfit was appropriate.

"People should be more mature and realize it's a theme night." The 19-year-old was mortified when the "unflattering" photos showed on campus. She was also worried that her costume was distinctive enough to make her indentifiable anyway (ummm... duh, that was the idea, no?)

And there's the rub. The girl felt the photos were "unflattering". Come on, honey. Let's talk about who needs to be mature here. If you are going to go in public with your ass hanging out, fine. I'm all for freedom of expression. But if you are going to turn around and worry about your reputation after the fact, and have a problem with it because you didn't like the photo you posed for willingly, you are a dumb twit. I am willing to bet there are far worse photos of you on dozens of camera phones RIGHT NOW from the very same night.

And that is my problem with women. Follow through on what you do. If you don't care about your "reputation" when you are drunk at a pub and have your ass hanging out, don't care about it after the fact. If you do care about it after the fact, maybe you should question your drinking. Please don't perpetrate the idea that women are idiots who want to do one thing and expect another. It's irritating, mindless and makes you look like a bigger fool than you did in your bunny costume. Either own your sexuality, or realize you are not mature enough to try to yet.

And that's my rant for today.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: