Monday, May 16

I Feel Old

There seems to be this whole new generation of women who believe that proclaiming to be a bitch slut is something to be proud of.

I'm all for speaking your mind. I'm not terribly politically correct. And yeah, I take pictures of myself and post them here. Sometimes I discuss topics that could be considered controversial. BUT I don't think I compromise my self respect in the process. Undoubtedly I look foolish at times, but really, it's not hurting anyone, or more importantly, it's not hurting ME. I really do think there is a line that is crossed between provocative and sad, misguided searching for self-worth.

I understand that announcing to the world that you dole out excellent blow jobs indiscriminately might garner you some male fans. That explaining you are one of those "pleasers" who swallows and otherwise does as told makes the boys flock. That using "naughty" words makes you seem wild. But I also think it simply indicates that you have extremely poor judgement with your own sexual health (NOT a great quality these days) and are looking for approval in one of the easiest but possibly most damaging ways possible.

I'm not a prude. But I am a little taken aback by the number of women who seem to have little going for them but their sexuality. They say as much when you read their blogs, so it's not like I'm forming a judgemental opinion, it is the opinion they have told me to have.

I look at it this way. Would I want a family member, a child of mine, myself in 20 years to look back and read the words I have written? Will I feel worthless and panicked as my looks fade and my sexuality is no longer appealing to "the boys"? Do I really want men to speak to me like I'm a commodity as opposed to a person?

It's something to think about. Unfortunately, it also seems like a lot of these people have this overblown media hyped attitude that this sort of thing isn't damaging but rather attractive and very appealing.

I'd have to disagree.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: