Wednesday, May 25

I was Away...

O.K. so we have been in Quebec. What a strange sentence that is by the way, I wonder why I started it with the word O.K., like I took a big breath and just got into it. Which by the way I did. Here is the itinerary.

1. Work all day Saturday and then immediately hop into the truck wet and smelly from bathing horses to drive to Montreal. Argued about buying cigarettes. Bought cigarettes even though couldn't really afford to. Try to take photos of other drivers. Felt grumpy.

2. Arrive at boyfriend's cousin's place at 11 something pm. Realize they plan to go to bar. Quickly get changed (hide horse smell with perfume and hairspray) while somewhat underage cousin girlfriend and other girl giggle over porn. Weird.

3. Go to Pub. Pub plays r&b and hip hop and is a total wigger den. Nobody has any rhythm. Realize I have not brought camera. Shame. Decide I need a Jaeger. Drink too much headache inducing draft. Refuse to dance with rhythmless white folk. Don't win the 1000 dollar bar tab. Am glad for this as I don't need to be instant friends with whole bar.

4. Go back to cousin's house drunk. Try to watch Meet the Fockers. Spill salsa on shirt and fall asleep on couch. Boyfriend wakes me up and we go to bed.

5. Wake up a few hours later to discover naked cousin draped across us. Ensure we are dressed and nothing truly bizarre happened. Nudge boyfriend. "What the fuck?!" Cousin covers self and retreats in embarrassment. Feel odd about this. Go back to sleep.

6. Leave to visit boyfriend's grandparents. Eat really good pizza. Go for walk to get air. Pounding headache.

7. Leave to stay at boyfriend's Aunts. Eat well. Go to bed.

8. Tour around Val David. Weather still sucks. Don't visit Santa's Village. Shop at Dollar store. Eat cheese curds. Eat dinner. Watch tv. Go to bed.

9. Get up, 5 am. Drive home. 8 hours. Traffic in Ottawa. Bad route choice. Get home, wash clothes, go to work.

The visits were nice. But sigh. Tiring.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: