Thursday, July 28

Fatass PVC Man

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I actually picked up a newspaper and noticed this retarded article about women grilling on the barbeque. I guess this is a new thing? Anyway, apparently women can't barbeque without pink and cutesy accessories. Funny thing is, women are just silly enough to go out and spend 100 bucks on gay ass barbeque ensembles.

I'm bored by this story, so I'll stop.

Once, we found this freak on one of those phone lines and brought him over to a party as a party favour. This dork wore a PVC dress of mine (which he ruined with his fat ass), a ball gag and was tied to a chair in a corner for the duration of the party. He later wanted to be blackmailed with the pictures we took. He was a freaking Catholic high school teacher. No surprise there.

A few years later an insecure and dumbass boyfriend of mine threatened to blackmail me with them. "I'm sending them to your parents". Well he didn't even have them, I destroyed them and he proved he was a big Cunt.

That was probably the worst story I've ever written. No energy whatsoever.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: