Wednesday, July 6

Knock, Knock.

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We used to get pretty bored back in high school and when you are bored and don't have all that much money to spend, you tend to do things that fall more into the category of causing trouble than into the category of good clean fun. O.K. so maybe the good kids were learning guitar and going to dance class and having nice dinners with mom and dad and generally learning how to be proper and decent citizens, but whatever.

There were 2 activities that stick out in my mind. Actually, there's probably 4 or 5, but I'm only going to mention 2 today. One was dispensing gay newspapers to the mailboxes of rural and semi-rural homes. I like to think we were helping them broaden their horizons. *"My name is Carl the Cocksucker. I would love everybody to put their cock in my mouth. Is there anyone who is willing to bounce their beautiful cock in my face?" I've always wondered if anyone took up any of the ad offers.

The second was something we called The Bolt Trick. You see it pictured above, poorly rendered. We'd actually make plans to go do the Bolt Trick.

To do the Bolt Trick, you need thread, tape and of course, a bolt. You tie the thread through the bolt. Now comes the tricky part. You need to launch the bolt up and over a telephone wire, for leverage. Once you have accomplished this, you need to create a loop out of tape, one that will hold the bolt to a window, but still allow the bolt to be moved. Someone brave and stealthy needs to sneak up to your target window and apply the bolt.

Having parked your car across the street and a couple of doors down from the target, you then return to said car with your long length of thread. Pull the string. This knocks the bolt against the target's window. Generally, a rather frightened/irritated occupant comes out, trying to see who is tap tap tapping at their home.

You know, I remember this being funnier than it seems now that I've written about it.

*real personal from a Cruiseline for Men ad.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: