Friday, September 23

But Mr. Rogers told me I'm Special

I find it funny, the way some people think that a blog is some sort of representation of their extreme writing God status, Jeeesus, it's a BLOG for god's sake, take it for what it is, most blogs (this one highly included) are stupid forums for inane dribblings that potentially someone else might find amusing or entertaining or whatever but if they don't then consider it stress relief or something.

I hardly think that choosing some literarily superior (yeah, I'm pretty sure literarily isn't a word, who cares) method of describing your day or your party, or your super cool social life or your sexing the night before makes you some kind of Book Badass.

I might be PMS, but even if I wasn't, I'd still say this shit, because mostly I think other people are pointless morons who care too much about how they come off. Get out of mental high school already.

I smoke too much because of YOU.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: