O.K., I might have said it before... I don't usually do these things.... but what the hell, I was asked to do this one, so I will.
7 Things I plan to Do Before I Die
Buy a Horse
Find a job I love
Live in the country
Keep a stocked bar in my home
Finish what I started
Stop being anxious all the time
Come up with an original idea
7 Things I Can Do
web design
take photos
make the best meatloaf
rant moronically about moronical things
use photoshop
worry like nobody's business
7 Things I Cannot Do
watch Family Guy
save money
be talked down to
tolerate self-help books
appreciate Celebrity
listen to Classical music like I get it
be assertive in person unless I'm really pissed off
7 Things That Attract Me to The Opposite/Same Sex
unique looks
artistic nature
actually, I can't really make a full list for this one
7 Things That I Say Most Often
I don't have certain things that I say, it's usually some bizarre and sometimes nasty toilet talk creation
7 Celebrity Crushes
Johnny Gage from Emergency!
Johnny Depp
Antonio Banderas
Other than that... nothing. And actually.... I don't think about it that much.
7 People I Want to Do This
I guess it could be interesting for anyone to do. Although really, my answers are not that witty or insightful or fascinating. I've always thought I'd make for a terrible interview.
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