Friday, September 30

Last night I actually did some laundry and it got me thinking. I'm pretty glad I don't have to use a laundromat because if you think about it, they're pretty disgusting. You're kind of relying on the other people there to not be total uggos and wash anything that leaves nasty bits in the machine. Then there is the dryer, which probably coats your clothes with lovely microscopic bits of other people's lives, and by lives I mean skin and stuff.

Last night I dreamed that I pulled a huge tube out of my nose and was all indignant, demanding to know what secret medical procedure had been performed on me as a child and why did I have a tube in me, and an obviously poorly installed one at that?

Actually I just remembered, I didn't do laundry last night, that was a dream too.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: