Tuesday, April 10

What do you think about a blogging code of conduct?

Among those calling for a bloggers' code of conduct is Tim O'Reilly - touted as one of the web's most influential thinkers. He told BBC Radio Five Live that it could be time to formalise blogging behaviour. "I do think we need some code of conduct around what is acceptable behaviour, I would hope that it doesn't come through any kind of [legal/government] regulation it would come through self-regulation."

Read the whole article here.

Asking people to self-regulate is liking asking a dog to fix its own dinner.

I personally like the freedom of blogging. I've had terribly insulting comments before, it's been my experience that they generally come from those people in the lowest echelons of the IQ chart. It's also been my experience that if you ignore them completely, they eventually go away.

Generally, unacknowledged comments are like bad sex; they'll eventually look elsewhere for what they want.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: