Friday, April 6

2 years back I had more to say

Remember when this post made people mad?

I'm really confused by bloggers who write exclusively about their depression, mental problems, bi-polar issues, etc. I mean, honestly, it seems like they really enjoy being in that state and will do anything to be validated within it. I've known a few people with problems like manic depression and the like and believe me, they were too caught up in the difficult reality of living with it to sit around talking about it and seeking feedback about how they were ok even though they acted like a royal asshole or imbecile or anti-social jerk. As a result, they were generally treated as "normal" (whatever that is), because they didn't go out of their way to make a big deal of it. Why not? Because that was their normal existence.

Yeah, I think mental illness is over diagnosed and I think people (especially women) really use it as a crutch to not get on with their lives and fix THEMSELVES.

Like I said, most truly "crazy" people don't sit around analyzing themselves on a blog. Some write truly brilliant, inspired, kooky things that are fascinating to read. But those are few and far between and don't usually come with a big warning sign that screams PROZAC USER, SAD PERSON WHO NEEDS YOU TO BE NICE. Here is an excerpt from a blog like this. I apologize to the writer, but only slightly, because after all YOU put it out there.

"A few weeks back, I met someone who got nervous around me after I mentioned I am taking prozac. I expected a bit more sense from someone who works for the Army.
Some people are downright rude, treating you like a retard as though I dont have enough sense to understand they are treating me like crap. I am depressed not intellectually challenged.
Some people go out of their way to be nice to me but unfortunately thats a rare occurence."

O.K. Why are you telling someone you just met you are on Prozac? Maybe they treat you like a retard because you retardedly spew out your "problem" right off the bat and then quizzically stare at them waiting for them to "treat you nice"? Don't you feel like a freak when people "go out of their way to be nice" because they feel sorry for your pathetic ass? No? Of course not, because even in this short excerpt, I can see that is the reaction you are after. That and the multitude of ALL female comments saying "yeah, me too!"

That's all. I might have an anger problem. I'll be waiting for you to be nice to me. Or else.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: