Friday, November 30

Sometimes I think it makes me less of a person because I absolutely despise the theatre. No really, I hate it, it actually makes me feel a bit angry when I think about it. Is that normal? I think most people only pretend to love theatre because they think it makes them seem cultured. When I realize that, I don't worry about hating it anymore. The rest are maybe genuine. I don't know. And now I will stop talking about it because I'm talking about theatre just by mentioning this and it's making me angry.

I have issues I suppose.

P.S. Although I LOVE to read... I hate reading plays. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....and Shakespeare? What the hell is up with that?

Ohh... I lied about the pictures I guess. (see below). But I am getting a new battery for the camera soon, so I will have new pictures. I'm pretty lazy.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: