Friday, May 16

The thing is I’m just lonely. The problem is even though I’m lonely, I just don’t see myself with a long-term relationship. It’s not a sex thing, I’m not lonely for sexual companionship; that’s an easy enough thing to find if you need to. I am lonely for a genuine romantic friendship I guess you could say… and yet, you can’t really have that without the full on relationship and really I suck at that game if the truth be told.

I feel like I’ve been ruined, or more accurately I’ve ruined myself; my relationship peak was about 5 years ago and now it will not happen again because something in me clicked off then and I can’t seem to find the switch.

Fuck, I just turned this into a goddamned chick blog. Next I’ll be telling you about my cramps and the funny things my cats do.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: