Friday, October 30

I’m on a bit of a tear today, so I decided to post after all.I just feel super annoyed and it’s the culmination of many things, but I’ll focus on just one for now.

You know what I can’t stand? The fucking self-righteous down the nose bullshit of the organic/naturals crew. Guess what? YOU are NOT always right. YOU do NOT always make the right choice. And plants are NOT a miracle cure for EVERY LITTLE THING much as we’d all like them to be. Spending $6.00 on a loaf of bread doesn’t make you healthier than me, it makes you more gullible (or maybe richer). Whatever. Get over yourselves.

I should probably preface this by saying that 9/10 times I will buy organic. I know that ultimately it probably doesn’t make a huge difference, but I like the idea of not eating chemically treated food (although I suspect I may be getting lied to at times). At the same time, I love white bread. I like potato chips. I DRINK NON-ORGANIC BEER FOR GOD’S SAKE!!! I’m a walking contradiction? NO, not really. At least I don’t judge others for the choices they make. At least I don’t walk around pretending that vitamin c and basil etc. will fix everything. I speak from experience having dealt with brain splitting, stay in bed for 3 day level migraines that NO herbal cure has helped (and I have tried EVERYTHING). Tylenol 3? HEADACHE GONE. So fuck off if you don’t like it, it’s not your damn head.

Fuck, I suppose there is so little in the world to make you feel important that now we have to feel important by pretending that what we eat makes us somehow socially superior. Well fuck you and the patchouli stink that trailed in behind you, I don’t give a shit and if I want to eat a twinkie (and sometimes I do!) I will. Hey, half you fucking fruity Orgosapiens (did I just make that up? Should I sell that term to them?) stuff chemical drugs into your stupid bodies when you go to your little barefoot dancey prance parties so shove your hypocrisy up your organically cleansed arses while you drink orange juice and pop vitamins to cut the comedown.

Yep, angry me is Baaaack.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: