ok, this is NOT flattering. I wish I could say it was Halloween but no... as I recall it was some kind of anime type party. I look the fool. And why do I look like a double-chinned 80 year old crypt keeper? Truly, this is one of the worst photographs of myself that I've ever seen that wasn't purposely taken while I was chewing, yawning etc. in order to look funny. Ah well. I think we all need some fool type nights out. It WAS fun although I don't think I slept for about 20 hours straight or so...

I wish you could see more of this ridic dress. Actually, I fell in love with the crazy acid trip colours and patterns and had to own this. It's a vintage Lanvin. I'm too fat to wear it right now.

It's been awhile since I've worn my completely unnatural contact lenses or slapped on quite that much makeup.

3 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
Um, that top outfit looks as if you had to concentrate on not being uncomfortable every second you were in it.
that is pretty much accurate. Until of course I got so out of my head I didn't care. At that point it ripped in a few places, although not where you'd think. The corset held in a lot. Yippee!!
Corsets are so sexy in photos but such hell in real life, I should know, I've had one for years but merp, I gave it to my busty best friend for Burning Man, she never wore it.
P.S. you look quite skinny in that corset photo.
P.P.S. I'm sure I'd like that Lanvin dress.
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