This is Arv. Here's a little background info on her.
Arv Khum, 54, is widowed and resides with her three children in Kandal Province, Cambodia, an area known for fertile farmland for growing vegetables. Khum produces roofs traditionally made from palm leaves, earning an income of USD 2 per day. The family has to spend USD 30 on food, USD 8 on electricity and water supplies, and USD 10 on other necessary expenses every month. Khum is requesting a loan of USD 600 to purchase more roofs to resell. In the future, she would like to use any additional profit to repair her house.
Today I made a $25 loan through Kiva to Arv, thereby completing her loan request and allowing her to go forward with her plan.
Do you guys know about Kiva? It's an amazing organization that really let's you help people all around the world. That $25 loan I made will continue to give and give. Once it is paid back, I can turn around and re-lend that same $25 to a new person.
$25 is nothing in North American terms. Lots of us spend more on our coffee each week. But in a country where the annual yearly income might be about $2500 US, $25 is a significant and life changing thing.
I suggest you guys look into giving. You don't need a credit card, I used PayPal. And if you think you should be helping closer to home, there ARE Americans receiving loans through Kiva as well.
Cool? Cool.
*by the way, I post this completely under my own motivation. Kiva hasn't given me any freebies/swag, have no idea I've posted this nor am I looking to gain anything through this.
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