Friday, October 29

mushrooms and butterflies

Yes!! New (old) purse came today!

You may not know this about me, but I have an extreme purse addiction. I buy purses like people buy lunch. It's terrible really. I've been pretty good about it lately, but I just had to have this one, Straight from the 70's and seemingly untouched from an estate sale, it has MUSHROOMS!!

4 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Krista said...

It's a cute purse, good buy! Love the green on that leather too.

Rapture said...

You buys purses like you buy lunch? I bet you buy shoes like people buy dinner! I bet you have a nice collection of shoes too.

That purse is divine! I love the mushrooms on it and the butterflies...oh what the hell, EVERYTHING about that purse is wonderful!

Gage1 said...

thanks guys! I have a reasonable shoe collection too but my real footwear weakness is boots!

Unknown said...

ohmyGOD it's fabulous!!!
And hello, my name is Letty, and I, too, am a pursaholic -- and a bookaholic :)