Monday, October 25

Suitably Surreal Entertainment

"This is a travelling pop-up restaurant made out of scraps.The Pale Blue Door’s capacity is 45 people and is popular with open-minded diners. Drag queens provide suitably surreal entertainment, singing to the customers as they negotiate the labyrinthine set and climb ladders in steep stilettos."

I have an ex who moved to Berlin but I have a strong suspicion that he does not take advantage of all the really cool things that seem to be out there. Lots of super interesting abandoned places and well, oddball joints like this seem to be there. I don't remember him being particularly adventurous, hmm. He's definitely more interested in clubbing and whatnot I think, or rather holding his own little parties. Fine I suppose but come ON, I'd be making a super long list of places like this one to hit up.

Anyway I stole this from fuck yeah tents! (which kills me daily with their tent finds).

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: