Thursday, November 18

And they hide body flaws

I'm going through a bit of a poncho "thing", yes, kind of obsessed, getting very discouraged as Ebay has some amazing and elaborate vintage ones which of course end up selling for way more than I want to spend right now.

So I bought this one really cheaply and it's plain and simple but I love it anyway, it's super soft and comfy and hangs really nicely, not that you can see that here but still.

In fact these are terrible photos aren't they, certainly not fashion worthy, but hey it's hard to take photos of yourself at work unless you go into the bathroom and that just seems um, weird?

So there you go, the girl with no fashion sense (girl? Do I have to say woman? That sounds weird, but whatever) is writing about her fashion and it's pretty much a non-event but just wanted to put it out there, I like ponchos right now, yes.

4 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Alyson said...

I can't pull off ponchos for the life of me; my boobs are way too big and I just look preggers. I'm jealous that you can rock such sweet slob-style.

Gage1 said...

it's borderline, trust me.

liz said...

A few years ago I found a fluorescent pink/orange poncho at a thrift shop that has been the PERFECT party outfit addition. I've gotten 10,000 compliments on it (maybe from people on drugs, but still...). so yes, I totally get the poncho thang.

Gage1 said...

very nice, blacklight friendly!