Monday, November 29

Archie Pie

Oh man, I love me some Archie comics. I remember these ads, I don't think I've ever actually eaten a Hostess fruit pie (I wouldn't even know where/if I can get one here), but I always wanted to.

7 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Becky said...

Archie comics are chauvinistic/misogynistic and probably not good for girls to read.

Anonymous said...

Archie is a wimp and those girls are cock teases.

Gage1 said...

oh good god Anonymous, what's up your butt?

Ty said...

Have you seen how these characters look now?

TS said...

I've collected Archie comics since I was about 5. Any girl with a good head on her shoulders can read them and not become a doormat or a whore. They're comics. And I dig em.

Gage1 said...

Exactly Kris!

Kristiane said...

there are much worse things in the world than Archie comics!