Monday, November 8


So I'm going to start slicing up this blog in a sense; photographs etc. will be at, mainly writing stays here and then I plan to start selling things at Now I'm a procrastinator of the highest order or maybe I'm manic; what I mean is, all these changes could be final and in perfect motion in 6 months or I could go nuts one day next week and POW, there it all will be. I can't give a guarantee and anyway, I don't think anyone is clamouring for this to happen, I'm just letting ya know, OK? I have some ideas with the photography for sure; definitely something different than just straight selling prints.

Maybe I'm too laid back for my own good, or too laid back where I shouldn't be laid back since I'm a pro at worrying about things that I shouldn't and letting slide things that might make me ultimately happier. Something to work out I suppose, there's always something to work out.

I hate complacency though, it's the devil and it makes me feel crazy. I fight it every single day, more people should.

1 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Rejean said...

i'm intrigued.