1.I've had conversations with myself in the mirror (out loud) to convince myself to do or not do something.
2.I worry A LOT. I might have abandonment issues, not sure why. I'm improving though and what's weird about it is that although I may have these abandonment issues, I also really do enjoy alone time and I am perfectly capable of going through life on my own. I think maybe that part is normal?
3.I can't stand people who go overboard on things. When you die, you are dead forever. If I want to eat a hamburger and onion rings every once in a while, or a bag of chips, I'm going to. They taste good and I enjoy them. Constantly being militant about freaking natural/organic/holistic/blah blah blah is BORING and UPTIGHT. Give it a rest already, eat a fucking chocolate bar and get that organic, free-trade, all-natural, blessed by Whole Foods (oh man, don't even get me started) stick out of your ass for 2 seconds.
4. Do not talk to me about conspiracy theories, why vaccines will make me a retarded zombie monkey etc. I will immediately deem you a mental midget and more importantly I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. EVER. Oh sure, I get a kick out of that stuff, and I'll explore that on my own, I just won't engage you in a conversation where you are taking any of it SERIOUSLY. You've been warned.
5. I dislike how women are competitive and nasty with each other. I understand why it happens, but I dislike it and I dislike women who are like that. I dislike meddling women and I dislike women who put other women down to make themselves look better/seem better. Ugh. At the same time, I dislike men who humour this behaviour. I suppose I dislike when the whole scenario is reversed too. I dislike a lot of things when it comes right down to it I guess.
6. If we are friends, I will go to bat for you. I will tolerate a lot. I will let you act the fool. I will forgive a few transgressions and hope you will do the same. UNLESS it involves one of the above mentioned behaviours. Then I might have more trouble.
This is a good one to keep in mind when the rose colored glasses come out.
Maybe later I'll write a positive post about the things I DO like. It's a long one.
8 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
Add lying, cheating, sneaking around with the ex, drinking too much and being a jerk to my list. Yes, ALL of those things just happened to me.
OK so maybe my list isn't quite the same as your list but is coming from the same place I think? OK, maybe not.
Weirdly I like hearing conspiracy theories. I don't believe them, but I like to stay well-rounded lol.
I'm interested in reading about them myself, or watching something I choose, but I just can't stand someone emailing me things or trying to have angry-loud conversations or saying stuff to me like it's the absolute truth when it has so many holes it's not even funny.
LOL gonna start a business selling tinfoil hats so many idiots believe conspiracy bullshit.
you need to find a good man (or woman) good friends and screw the rest.
god i had a friend who used to talk about this stuff all the time, SUPER annoying or do I mean CRAZY?
Ha, the conspiracy stuff I mean, not the other part!
Elvis is still alive.
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