Tuesday, November 2

Karma Bums

I can't quite understand how anyone believes in things like karma etc., you do know it's a crock of shit, right? I definitely know it is.

A couple of weeks ago, my car was backed into and my front right light smashed out and bumper damaged. Darrick just fixed the light TWO DAYS AGO and then this morning I got into a little car accident and guess what got wrecked? The same light and same area of the bumper. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

I'm pretty sure karmically I've been on my best behaviour, fuck I've gone beyond actually. I mean, the swearing, that doesn't count, right?

It doesn't matter what you do in your life, it's all a crap shoot. I'm not saying you shouldn't be a good person, god, you should be, but your motivation shouldn't be karmic balance because if it is, you are definitely gonna be disappointed more than once.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: