Monday, November 1

It's amazing to me (or maybe it's not actually), how people are all over pretending they support causes by posting stupid Facebook statuses or adding ribbon gifs to their web pages/Facebook pics/twitter icons...

I'm sorry, maybe that makes you feel all good about yourself but it does shit for the cause you are pretending to support. Yes, pretending. Sorry, social media crap doesn't mean/do shit if all you do with it is put up a joke status line or a little picture.

Open up your wallet and donate, hell, don't have coffee for 2 days and give a lousy $5. I'm broke as hell and I've given to both my own fundraising effort here or here (this second one accepts PayPal) as well as to some male friends and their Movember efforts.

This kind of stuff isn't supposed to make YOU feel good, it's supposed to hopefully help others feel good. When did we forget that?

1 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Alyson said...

I agree 100% and have a huge issue with stupid stuff like FB statuses. Just donate to the cause you believe in or STFU (in my opinion)