Monday, November 1


I like my sundays to be kind of uneventful, usually I use them to do some cleaning, maybe some laundry and I'll also typically read a magazine or two, wrapping it all up by watching some movie that's around 50 years old and contrary to what I normally would be interested in, generally a musical. So this Sunday, here's how it went down:

I HAD to buy the latest Vanity Fair because of this:

I'm pretty into Marilyn, own basically all her films so this was a must. I'm reading a bit at a time though, so I haven't finished that particular article.

My movie choice was Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. I think that it was more of a visually pleasing choice than a great storyline choice, but honestly, that's often the case with the Audrey movies isn't it. Nothing wrong with that.

Audrey does that funny little dance in the movie:

I remember when The Gap took this sequence, pulled her dancing out of it and set it to Back in Black by AC/DC. Horrible.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: