Thursday, November 25

OK Now...

Time to shape up, smarten up, this time of year brings me DOOOWN, never sure why, I like Autumn or at least I like the idea of it, maybe that's the problem.  You can't really bank anything on an idea when it comes down to it, can you, at least not in life, I suppose lots of people make MONEY on ideas, but that's a different matter.

so I'll snap out of it, I don't know maybe it's all hormonal or something anyway, what a horrible thought. I know it's not that seasonal thing people get, I didn't always react this way to Fall, or maybe I did, back in school when it meant it was time to go back to class, spend everyday in the misery that high school really was.
I suppose a precedent was set then.

I DO like autumn leaves and fires and all that cosy stuff but now the leaves are gone and it's dark by 5pm and it's COLD and dingy and UGLY out and that is what bugs me most.

6 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Anonymous said...

I won't be happy until Spring.

Gage1 said...

same here.

Kristiane said...

I love the perspective of that photo!

Krista said...

Summer is my season, I spend three wishing for it and then when it comes I don't know what to do with it.

Gage1 said...

oh me too! I feel like I never do as many things as I'd planned to in summer, I need it to last for at least 6 months!

Anonymous said...

women just whine