Thursday, December 2

Is This Real Life?

I had one of the absolute worst sleeps I've had in a long time last night, in fact I would say that I might have been legitimately asleep for about 30 minutes in total.

As a result, my head feels like a blender of confused thoughts and my eyes weigh about 20 lbs each. I feel like I'm floating through a dream.  By the time I realized that this would have probably been a good night for an Ativan, it was too late to bother doing so. I can only hope that when I get home from work I can immediately fall asleep. For me, immediately means within two hours of lying down. That would be heaven.

3 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Amy said...

cool sculpture, where is that?

Gage1 said...

It's in Montreal, Old Montreal actually. The whole area is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Alphabet Soup.