Wednesday, December 1

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

I suppose the problem with contentment then, is that it doesn't lead to motivation towards self-improvement. But what the hell is self-improvement really anyway? By who's standards?

For example I realized that I am pretty much content with how I look, meaning, I don't enjoy using the gym so why do it? It's horrible and boring and I quite frankly don't much care if my body is hard enough for others to want to look at it. I fit into most of the clothes I want and probably shouldn't be wearing the things I don't anyway, regardless of physical fitness.

Will I ever wear a bikini, I mean really wear one without shorts or a top over it?  NO...I actually dislike them, bought one this summer and although I liked the pattern, disliked the idea of a bikini it turns out, regardless of what my body looks like. So yeah.

I prefer getting physical activity through activities that are enjoyable; hiking would be a good example and I'm kind of pissed at myself for not getting outside in the last couple of months. Yes, it's soon going to be winter, so maybe I will put on 10 lbs, big deal. I LIKE to eat good food and I LIKE to drink wine and I DON'T like listening to people who are on diets of any kind or won't do this or that. So why on earth should I become one of them?

I like entertaining people but I'm moderately anti-social. I write this blog and enjoy the feedback but could stop tomorrow and really not feel like I'd lost anything. I guess I just have things going on in my life that I could channel my energy into (and probably should?); I could still be creating without being online.

Life is so much easier when you stop giving a good flying goddamn what others think. Man, what a ramble.

5 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Anonymous said...

our society won't accept this.

viggaz said...

boil, boil ... turmoil and trouble ... i think maybe the Eagles had it right when they suggested one take it easy and not let the sound of one's own wheels drive one crazy.

that said, the Eagles pretty much suck so fuck them.

Gage1 said...

I don't know, I can take the Eagles, it's the Beatles that are intolerable!

Most of my turmoil on this blog is far more minimal than it would seem.

Dude, I'm gonna spend tonight after class eating confetti cake and watching TMZ. That's not very drama-filled!

Gage1 said...

oh and anonymous, what the eff are you talking about?

Rejean said...

it's all good.