Thursday, December 2

sometimes I feel a little protective of my stories, like if I share them then they are gone, out there on their own in the big world kind of thing. Because of this, I keep a lot of things to myself, interesting things, crazy things, fascinating things.

This is not a very good approach for someone who wants to write.

8 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Margo said...

I think I know what you mean. Sometimes you just want to keep things to yourself, it makes things less special when you share every detail sometimes.

Rapture said...

You just get to decide what stories to tell, my dear!!!

Rapture said...

Hope you're sleeping better too...have you tried acupuncture?

Gage1 said...

I have my fingers crossed for tonight, last night I really didn't get a wink. I should try acupuncture, I'm game for anything at this point.

Tonight I think I'll fall back on old faithful Ativan or possibly Clonazepam, one or the other should take care of things!

Krista said...

Think of it as a kind of exercise. You're keeping all the good secret stuff in, saving the best for last.

Crystal said...

I am in the same boat. Divulging too much makes me nervous. Plus if I publish it all now none will be left for my book!

Alyson said...

I hear you; it's tricky to figure out what's okay (safe?) to publish and what isn't.

Gage1 said...

Krista: That's not a bad way of looking at it really.

Crystal: I've thought of writing a book before but then I think, who in their right mind would be interested in my nonsense?!

Alyson: I'm pretty OK with putting stuff out there but at the same time, I sort of want to respect other people's rights to privacy on some level. Also, it would really suck if something created problems for me say at work or something, I mean it's just a silly blog!