Wednesday, December 8

the thing is, when people post a gazillion photos in one post on their blogs documenting every single little move they make, I tend to start flying down the page with my mouse because honestly, the tiny tilt of difference between each photo or the fact that first you were eating an olive and OH LOOK now it's a drink and THIS one is blurry and THAT one is the same basically as four others I just scrolled by is boring to me. And then, I end up skipping what you've written in between all those photos.

So I guess I'm saying that for me, I don't really care about a ton of photos within an individual post. Quality not quantity.

I think I'm in the minority. Who cares.

2 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Greg said...

I have noticed people using their blogs as a sort of photo dump. A little editing would be nice sometimes, it comes off kind of lazy or maybe narcissistic or both?

Women are way more guilty of this then men in my opinion. I don't need to see your new shoes 10 different ways and I don't care how hot you are if the photos are shitty it's a waste of space.

KL said...

some photos are always cool. Every fucking crap pic off your camera while you drank your way through your night? Fucking lame.