Friday, January 18

You Know What I Don't Understand

The trend on Facebook of posting stupid images with idiotic "inspirational" messages.  Or even worse, things like this:

I HATE self-pitying crap.  I really, reaaaaallllly do.  There are a few people on Facebook who do nothing but post this shit.  Wouldn't your time be better spent working on getting healthy, adopting a healthy lifestyle (which I suspect wouldn't include sitting on your ass all day crying about your lot in life on facebook) and actually getting on with things?  Some of these people I know for a FACT don't do sweet fuck all for themselves beyond popping prescriptions and whining about everybody is so mean to them about their aches and pains.

It drives me crazy, probably more than it should, but when people do this and it fills up my newsfeed I want to blow a gasket.  I suppose that means it's time for me to leave Facebook, which wouldn't be such a bad thing would it.

OK, just had to get that out, I feel better.

4 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should cutte the blog.

Gage1 said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, Man!

Anonymous said...

Buzz word - Tony Alva.