Tuesday, February 19

A Treadmill and Cuba

A couple of days ago I bought a treadmill.  YES, a treadmill.  I'm pretty excited actually, I like using the treadmill and don't find it difficult to spend an hour a day walking and running on it.  I'm hoping it will finally get my soft ass into shape.  Fingers crossed!  Scored a great deal on it too, store had a sale, $1100 originally, got it for $580.

In exactly 2 weeks, I will be spending my first full day in Cuba.  Still nervous about the flight but looking forward to the heat and leaving behind the winter coat!

5 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Alyson said...

Time with a treadmill is time well spent! <3 the treadmill.

Dr Zibbs said...

Take lots of pictures in Cuba. I'm jealous!

Gage1 said...

I'm literally becoming addicted to the treadmill! I fully plan to take lots of Cuba photos!

Raymi Lauren said...

hair jealous

Gage1 said...

I wish I could say my hair looked like this more often!