Wednesday, March 13

Cuba - An Explosion of Colour

Cuba turned out to be quite different than I thought it would be.  For one, the old American cars that everyone hears about are almost all taxis now.  Besides those, most people seem to walk, hitchhike, ride the bus or a scooter or drive a Russian, Korean or French car from the 90's.

In places like Havana, tourism is king.  It's very difficult to take a photo without being asked to pay for the opportunity, whether it's one of the cars, or the people who dress up super stereotypically to try to give you the "real Cuba experience" which in effect then becomes a Disney style experience.  Because we went to Havana with a tour group, we only saw the most touristy areas which were packed and made taking photos not full of camera toting vacationers nearly impossible.

I managed to score a few though.

The city is very beautiful architecturally and there is so much to look at, much more than I got to see, I'm sure.

You could see that the people in general take a lot of pride in what they have, even if what they have might not be much by our usual standards.

More tomorrow.

3 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Dr Zibbs said...

Pretty cool. I love how they paint their buildings.

Raymi Lauren said...

I miss the bright colours of Aruba, similar to Cuba.

Gage1 said...

It's hard to feel crappy surrounded by it, isn't it!