1. 9/11 and how it is an excuse for everything the U.S. does. Get over it. It happened. You are NOT the only country to face terrorism on a large scale. I guess that is what bothers me most. Many Americans seem to think it is the only terrorist related event to have EVER OCCURRED. I'm sorry, but I just don't care anymore. If I'm being honest, besides being a little freaked out for a day or two, I never really did care. Not in the way that some people seem to have. The ranting, crying and still talking about it with pain way. Why would I? I didn't know anyone involved. If I had, it would be a much different story, and really ONLY those people should be allowed to ever utter a word about it again. Most people are afraid to be so honest, since then they will seem insensitive. I think people who get all weepy and whine about something that never affected them personally for YEARS need major help. Oh, and only in North America would a terrorist event get it's own catchy name. 9/11. If it had happened on June 25, what would it be called, The 625? The J-25? The June Boom 01?
2. Celebrity dating/marriage. Jen and Ben, Ben and Jen, Brad and Jen.... What the hell is with the Jen's? I don't actually give a crap who fucks who in Hollywood. We all know those marriages are doomed. Yeah sure, you can say that some Hollywood marriages last, but I counter with this: The only Hollywood marriages that really seem to last involve people who DO NOT get leading man/lady roles that involve much sexuality. For the rest, the temptation to date everyone you "fake fuck" is just too great. As it would be for all of us, I'm sure. That's why I'm bored with it. That's why we need to not care anymore.
3. American in-fighting. It's like being at the worst family reunion EVER. Liberals, Conservatives, the slamming never ends. That's not the way to maintain a prosperous and powerful nation. I guess maybe it's always been that way, but honestly, I don't remember it ever being so bad as it has gotten under Bush. I don't understand why people are identifying themselves so strongly with a political party, to the exclusion of common sense and self-thought.
4. Religion. Christianity in particular. Don't get me wrong, they do amuse me, and I love receiving their religious pamphlets etc., makes for great humour reading. But this seeming move back to more religious foundations is sickening. I'm one of those people who really believes religion was designed by man to control man and is used for that same purpose to this day. Someone said something that I agreed with fully. When they come up with an organized religion that doesn't promote violence and hatred in the name of said religion, and where the head of that religion excommunicates anyone who does do something violent or evil in the name of that religion, I might join. The confession/forgiveness thing just seems like a big cop-out wussy way to get to do what you want and still be thought of as better than everyone else.
Buddhism. That doesn't bother me, because they don't bother me.
And now, I will go see what tasty treats are in the kitchen, because it's time for a little positivity, and eating yummy stuff makes me feel very positive. Especially when I am not smoking.
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