Monday, February 7


I opened the phone book, flipped the pages and landed on the name Tippett. They will never know that I considered calling them just for the hell of it this morning. I just rubbed my eyes so hard I couldn't see for like 30 seconds.

Today is my day off and I'm not feeling too great which is typical. I'm working at an Equestrian centre which means "a big farm where lots of teen girls ride horses all day" for those of you less inclined to use or even understand a word like equestrian. You'd expect with a word like Equestrian everyone would walk around being rich and beautiful with a foreign accent and fancy riding clothes but mostly it's just manure and jeans. It has renewed my desire for a horse of my own though.

I've lost the momentum of blogging in the short yet seemingly eternal time I had no internet access. As a result, if you even bother coming here anymore, please don't be disappointed by the lack of meaningful content. It's really no different than before, I just took some extra care before to disguise the lack of content behind silliness and supposed questions of depth.

0 dirty hippies blowing your mind: