And time marches on. We are nothing in the grand scheme of things, so early in man's time on this planet really, it seems like we have everything but think of all the crazy and insane stuff we will never get to see. Except for all those twenty somethings who of course will see everything because they will never age and therefore never die except maybe accidentally by their own stupidity. I like that, actually.
There's this feeling in the pit of my stomach today, a familiar feeling that I will give the new and unfamiliar name of "Angry Ball". Hi Mr. Angry Ball, glad to see you didn't make it your resolution to go bother someone else. Maybe next year right?

I'm on a "historical re-enactment via placing modern people into old time situations" kick and as a result have several programs such as Colonial House, Pioneer Quest, The 1940's House and 1900 House on hold at the library. Oh yeah, and there's Manor House showing on Sundays on WNED. These will be great shows to get fat to.
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