Thursday, May 20

I should just ice your ass right now...

I liked movies better when James Spader was always the Preppie asshole.

and when he could do things like this with no sense of irony. Ha!

10 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

viggaz said...

Tuff Turf ... a classic!! ... Jack Mack & The Heart Attack! ... Be-Boppa-Luba! ... Robert Downey before the Jr, in eyeliner! ... knife-fight climax in a warehouse! ... cut the purple onion very thin, you have it left over for brunch with buddies!

Wow, i'd totally forgot about this cheeseball song he sings her in what is clearly someone else's voice. Ugggh.

Gage1 said...

definitely one of the highlights(?) of his early career...

viggaz said...

Spader was not the preppie asshole in this movie, tho -- he was the nice guy hero.

His defining preppy asshole character will forever be Stef in Pretty In Pink.

For a strange, redneck villain variation on THAT character check out the little-seen 'The New Kids', where Spader has WHITE hair and terroizes Lori Loughlin and her brother after their family buys a busted up amusement park!

i think i had a man-crush on Spader when i was a kid. he was also my hairstyle guru, i wore my hair like him from about 1986 to 1992.

yeah, and i have even seen Starcrossed, filmed in Toronto, with Ontario Place standing in for a secret government lab and where Spader falls in love with an alien. wow. well, i guess he needed the work.

i think i am most fond of his rabbit-in-the-headlights era, where he played damaged, nervous, and unsure characters in films like Bad Influence, Sex Lies & Videotape, and White Palace.

i have the soundtrack to Tuff Turf (on vinyl) and Bad Influence (on cd)! i saw Jack's Back in the theatre!

i was, perhaps, oddly obsessed. now i couldn't give a damn. i have never even watched that law show he is on with captain kirk ...!

wow, this has been a strange confessional! :)

Gage1 said...

Ha! I think I prefer his evil character in Less Than Zero though... I think that one might outdo Stef for pure evilness. I think you had a little man crush too and I've seen the hair photos!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad you missed him on Boston Legal...he was fantastic and the show was great.

I must admit that his "rabbit-in-the-headlights era" was my favorite also. I loved those three movies and still watch them fairly regularly. If you haven't seen him and Maggie Gyllenhaal in "Secretary" (2002) you should give it a try as long as you do not mind a bit of strangeness. They both gave outstanding performances in this off-center rom-com.

Tankboy said...

I agree! Spader is at his best when he's self-indulgently creepy.

Gage1 said...

yep I saw Secretary, very odd film and certainly the type of character he excels at.

How am I ever going to find "The New Kids"?

Anonymous said...

I got my copy of "The New Kids" from Amazon.

viggaz said...

looks like the entire movie is on YouTube, broken ito seprate 10 min parts.

here's a short clip. creeeeeeep bullying psycho Spader ... love the Weirdly Gruesome music in the background!!!

Gage1 said...

Oh, good, I will watch it then!