Tuesday, November 2

Deep Breath

Sometimes you kind of feel like you're about to blow up or something.

I was having a bad day and stewing here and then I thought to myself that things could be A LOT worse, that although the events of the day are an upset in my usual life, they aren't really all that major in the grand scheme of the world and maybe I should chill.

So I'm going to try to do just that. There's some wine at home with my name on it.

3 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Anonymous said...

There's this wine in the LCBO called Life is Good Chardonnay. Tailor made for posts of this nature!

Gage1 said...

I'd probably have to do the Cab instead... I wonder if it's any good? I'm generally partial to the $10 - $25 Spanish, Chilean or Portuguese wines...HA... yes, I actually do drink wine with some idea of collecting what I like and enjoy. I like it red and dry!

liz said...

look at how pretty you are!