Monday, November 8

If everyone shut down their computers for good, would you, as you define yourself, still exist? I hope the answer is yes, but for a surprising number of people, I suspect the answer is no, or at the very least, barely.

5 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Rejean said...

there are def a few blogs i read where i think the writer would be lost without internet, their whole identity even. I don't really understand the idea of internet noteriety. I don't think it's a real thing. I think you have to be accessible in more then one small way.

Gage1 said...

I don't know what I think exactly; I was more wondering if maybe people place too much value in their online interactions and life at the expense of their "real" life, possibly to the point where they would feel lost without it.

As far as notoriety or whatever, I guess it's all relative. I mean someone could be popular online but if you aren't aware of them online then basically they don't exist in the realm of "notorious". So yeah, sure, I guess it's a limited exposure like you say.

Starling Social said...

I'd definitely still "exist"; there's a lot of me that I don't put online, lots of projects, art, writing, etc.

I'm doing an essay on how people define themselves online and how Internet use can be used as a crutch for lonely people. Interesting stuff.

Gage1 said...

me too! that DOES sound like an interesting essay topic actually.

Anonymous said...

kinda makes you wish for the old days don't it....